ISG Nordic logo
  • Let's make your facility a bit smarter!

    There is a lot of buzz about Smart buildings and Smart cameras, and about AI and Deep Learning. But strangely enough, it is not used as much as you think. We understand why – it's not that easy. But WE KNOW how to do it, so please follow us!
    Creative Technician
  • Let's create a safer city together!

    In our Industry, there's a lot talk about Smart cities, Smart cameras, AI and stuff.
    At the same time, media is full of storys about unsafe cities, crime and vandalism.
    Still, the smartest Security solutions available today are not fully used.
    We understand why - it's a complex issue. But WE KNOW exactly what you can do – please don't hesitate to talk to us.
  • Let's improve something together!

    Almost all businesses we meet have things that they want to improve in safety, work environment or process automation. For example a logistics center, there are a lot of potential things to do smarter with the help of our expertise in smart cameras, integration, automation and security.
    Sales Manager
    Contact me

How can we help you today?

How can we support you? What do you want to develop in your business? Which of the areas below, is of most interests to you? Please contact Robert Dahlberg, Business Area Manager, and learn more.
Feel free to contact me and I will guide you to the right area or person.
Johannes, Sales Manager
High-risk facilities – advanced solutions
Detect traffic and analyze incidents
Automation and control of industry processes
City Surveillance – Safer Cities
Public areas – Keep track of many people
Monitor material and assets in large areas
Hypermarkets – safety for customers and staff
Offices and properties – security and efficiency
Integration of systems – safety and production
Tailor-made cameras and system solutions

Some of our clients

We have been around for about 30 years and have delivered around 4,000 projects. Our customers today range from large businesses to smaller ones, in both the public and private sectors. Here are some examples of our clients.
Lagecrantz Group, logo

We are a part of the Lagercrantz group

- A North European Tech Group with leading positions in niches

5 business areas

Electrify (14 companies, 9 countries)
Control (10 companies, 7 countries)
TecSec (8 companies, 5 countries)
Niche products (15 companies, 7 countries)
International (12 companies, 7 countries)
  • B2B Tech Group offering value-creating technology in expansive niches.
  • Revenues 4.000 MSEK
  • Employees  1.600
  • 60 companys organized in 5 divisions.
  • Listed since 2001(Nasdaq Stockholm)
  • Fast growing with high profitablilty
We are a leading company in BA TecSec

7 countries

Our quality system and certificates

When you deal with security and surveillance, everything must be correct, and you need to know many techniques in detail. Morover, there are lots of rules to follow. Therefore, we have created and implemented a quality management system, and received formal ISO certifactes. We have also trained our employees and introduced routines, so that we have received all the necessary certificates. Furthermore, we have received cerficates from our international partners. We hope you will feel safe working with us.
Polisgodkänd larminstallatör
ISO 9001, certifierade
Anläggarfirma Inbrottslarm
Behörig ingenjör Inbrottslarm
Behörig ingenjör Kamerabevakningssystem
Milestone Platinum Channel Partner
Milestone Certified Design Engineer
Milestone Certified Integration Engineer
Milestone Certified Integration Technician
Axis Solution Gold Partner
Axis Certified Professional

“Smart cameras, security systems and tailored integration – so that you can relax!”

In almost everything we do, advanced cameras and smart security systems are involved. Often combined with AI, Machine Learning, face recognition and encryption. Sounds smart huh?!

But the really smart thing is how we integrate the information with our customers' operative systems, and create value in their business, i.e. reduce risk and cost, enhance efficiency, increases quality and facilitate work environment.

To make that integration, we use our smart systems DIVA, TDIS and INTEGRAL. But above all we use Mikael, Fredrik, Priyanka, Niklas and our other co-workers. Without them, we would not be able to deliver your desired results - and sometimes things you didn´t know were possible!
Welcome to the ISG NORDIC - what can we do for you today?
Creative Technician

Certifierad partner – för allas bästa

Här kan vi ha en kortare men ändå innehållsrik text om att ISG är certifierade och vad det innebär för uppdragsgivarna. Som ett alternativ eller komplement till blocket i topp på sidan ? Slutligen kompletteras texten med en länk till undersidan där man kan läsa mer.
Läs mer
  • Låt oss göra er anläggning lite smartare!

    Det pratas mycket om smarta byggnader och smarta kameror, och om AI och Deep Learning. Men konstigt nog utnyttjas det inte så mycket som man tror. Vi förstår varför – det är inte så lätt. Men VI VET hur man gör, så häng med oss!
    Teknisk kreatör
  • Låt oss skapa en säkrare stad för er!

    Det skrivs mycket om smarta städer. Om smarta kameror, AI och sånt. Det skrivs mycket om osäkra städer. Om brottslighet, skadegörelse och oro. Ändå används relativt få av de smarta lösningar som finns idag inom säkerhet. Vi förstår varför – det är en komplex fråga. Men VI VET också exakt hur ni kan göra. Träffa oss och dra nytta av vår kunskap.
  • Låt oss förbättra något tillsammans!

    Nästan alla verksamheter vi träffar har delar som man vill förbättra inom säkerhet och arbetsmiljö, eller inom styrning och automatisering. Till exempel en logistikcentral, där finns massor att göra smartare med hjälp av vår kompetens inom smarta kameror, integrering, automatisering och säkerhet.
